Article 1: Name
The name of the organization is K.A.L.A (acronym for KOREAN AMERICAN LOGISTICS ASSOCIATION). (Hereafter called "the Association")
Article 2: Constituents
The Association is composed of Korean-Americans, or Koreans residing in the United States, who engage in or are employed in the industry of ocean & air cargo transport, forwarding, customs clearance, trucking, or warehousing, and who are in agreement with the purposes and pursuits of the Association.
Article 3: Purpose
The Association is composed of Korean-Americans, or Koreans residing in the United States, who engage in or are employed in the industry of ocean & air cargo transport, forwarding, customs clearance, trucking, or warehousing, and who are in agreement with the purposes and pursuits of the Association.
Article 4: Scope of Business
The Association engages in the following activities in order to achieve the purposes mentioned in Article 3.
  1. Research, development, and implementation of businesses that can be of help to members’ business
  2. Communication with Korean government & its trade-related governmental departments regarding trade and logistics-related policies and all operational procedures; Seeking counsel & advice and submitting proposals related to the above, if necessary
  3. Sharing and exchanging information pertaining to new markets; Coming up with measures necessary to respond to new developments in the industry
  4. Sharing and exchanging information among members related to the industry
  5. Research and development of logistics business within the U.S.
  6. Establishing and maintaining communication channels related to the organization, such as a website and publications
  7. Planning and organizing various events designed to promote and cultivate friendly relations among members
  8. Other activities related to achieving purposes and goals of KALA
Article 5: Headquarters
The Association’s headquarters will be located at the president's business office; however, depending on communication needs or other circumstances, one of the board members’ office may be used as headquarters, as well.
Article 6: Types of Members
The Association has the following 3 types of members.
  1. Full member: A full member is a Korean-American, or a Korean residing in the U.S., who engages in or is employed in the logistics industry (ocean & air transportation, customs clearance, trucking, warehousing, etc.), and can be an individual or representatives of a company and its employees.
  2. Special member: An individual or company in agreement with the purpose and pursuit of the Association that has a special beneficial relationship with the Association or that can contribute to promotion of logistics business with Korea
  3. Honorary member: An individual who has contributed greatly to the Association, or an expert who has outstanding knowledge and experience in the field of logistics
Article 7: Becoming a Member
  1. Full member: A company representative or its employees, in agreement with the aforementioned purposes of Article 3, which is legally registered in the United States as a logistics firm, may submit an application with a membership fee, and must be approved by the Association.
  2. Special member: The president is to appoint special members with the recommendation and approval of logistics associations of Korea or the Association’s board of directors.
  3. Honorary member: The president is to appoint honorary members upon recommendation from the Association’s board of directors.
  4. Those who were members of AFASC or Ocean Golf Club as of December 1, 2007 are automatically given full membership status without further requirements. They must, however, submit membership applications and pay membership fees in order to remain on the member list .
Article 8: Members' Rights and Responsibilities
  1. Full members have the responsibility to actively participate in all of the Association’s activities and attend general and temporary meetings regularly. They have the right to voice their opinions and vote in such meetings, as well as to run for election. They also have the obligation to pay membership dues and obey decisions, as determined and reached by these articles and general meetings.
  2. Special and honorary members, if necessary, are allowed to participate in all of the events of the Association but do not have the right to vote or run for election. They may be exempted from paying membership dues, if approved by board of directors.
Article 9: Disqualification and Loss of Membership
In the event of any of the following, the member will be disqualified and lose the membership.
  1. A full member fails to pay the membership fee in a specified period of time (maximum 1 year).
  2. A member fails to abide by these articles of association or disobeys the rules and decisions made by the Association. A member uses words or actions that interfere with the operation of the Association.
  3. A member commits a criminal act or any other illegal or fraudulent acts that violate the rules that allow us to carry out logistics business. A member speaks or acts in such a way that leads to the Association’s loss of public confidence.
  4. A member speaks or acts in any other way that interferes with the growth of the Association, which results in a measure of expulsion by the decision of the board of directors.
Article 10: officers
The Association will have the following types and number of officers.
  1. President: 1
  2. Vice President: Up to 4
  3. Director of Operation: 1
  4. Secretary General: 1
  5. Director of General Affairs: 1
  6. Director of Finance: 1
  7. Auditor: 1
  8. Director of Golf Tournaments: 1
  9. Advisors: a few including former KALA presidents
  10. Board of Directors: 10 to 30, to be appointed by president
Article 11: Job duties
Job duties of officers are as follows.
  1. President: The President represents the Association, takes the overall responsibility for all businesses and activities of the Association in general, convenes general assembly and board of director meetings, and presides at the meetings.
  2. Vice President: The Vice President assists the President and is responsible for communication needs in all industry areas, including ocean & air transport, customs, trucking, and warehousing. In case of the President’s absence, the Senior Vice President should carry out the duties of the President.
  3. Director of Operation: The Director of Operation is the person in charge of practical operation of the activities described in Article 4 of Part 1. The Director of Operation recommends the Association’s agenda, business plan, course of action, change of plans, division of work, etc. and executes them according to the President’s directives and policies.
  4. Secretary General: The Secretary General is responsible for communication and contacts among the Association; manages and directs recording of meeting minutes, membership fees, and income & expenses; presides over general meetings and social gatherings; and carries out the duties of Director of Finance in case of his/her absence.
  5. Director of General Affairs: The Director of General Affairs assists Secretary General to carry out his/her duties.
  6. Director of Finance: The Director of Finance is responsible for all of the Association’s income and expenses including recordkeeping. In case of Secretary General’s absence, the Director of Finance carries out his/her duties on his/her behalf.
  7. Auditor: The Auditor prepares and examines the accounting and financial records of the Association. In case of a Vice President’s absence, the Auditor can act as one.
  8. Advisor: The Advisor reflects the opinions and requests of all full members to the board of directors and can take on a part of responsibilities of other officers while encouraging and counseling them on their job duties and operation.
  9. Director: A director gathers opinions of each full member and reflects them to the board of directors at meetings. Upon recommendation of the President, a Director can take on and carry out duties and responsibilities of various departments.
Article 12: Board of Directors Meetings
The President must convene a board meeting at least once per quarter that includes Directors in aforementioned #9 of Article 11. The President must report to the board the current works in progress and all future plans and agenda, which must be approved by the board. Other items to be determined at the board meeting are as follows.
  1. Review of business plans and approval; Division of work and joint operation
  2. Discussion and motions concerning revision of the subject Articles of Association
  3. Office relocation
  4. Approval and expulsion of members
  5. Acceptance of officers’ resignation letters
  6. Approval of budget planning and balancing
  7. Determination of the Association’s employee organization and wages; Establishment, revision, and repeal of other major internal rules
  8. Execution of resolutions delegated by the board
  9. Discussion and execution of other matters deemed necessary by officers
Article 13: Election of Officers
  1. The President of the Association may only be elected among officers who have completed their full term of office on a full-time basis, and must be ratified by a majority vote by registered members of the board present at the meeting.
  2. Vice Presidents and other officers are to be appointed by the President.
Article 14: Term of Office
  1. 1. The term of office, in principle, is to be 2 years. However, one year after the commencement of the term, the officers must receive a vote of confidence by the board. The term of office is to terminate at the general meeting following 2 years of service. In case of re-election, the President may remain in office for one more year. (In case of an election to fill a vacancy, the length of the term is to be the remaining term of the predecessor.)
Article 15: General Meeting
The general meeting is to be held once a year regularly at the location determined by the board. The number of full members who attend this meeting is to be the quorum, and the following items are to be determined.
  1. Revision of the Articles of Association: To be effective, the revision must receive at least 2/3 of votes of the full members present. If reviewed and pre-approved by a previous board meeting, however, a simple majority vote will suffice.
  2. Approval of budget planning and balancing
  3. Approval of business plans and reports
  4. Review of other important matters pertaining to the Association’s operation
Article 16: Expenses
The necessary expenses of the Association are to be met by the following sources of income.
  1. Membership fees: The amount of annual membership fees are to be determined by board meetings.
  2. Donations
  3. Other miscellaneous income, such as proceeds from golf tournaments
Article 17: Financial Report
The President must give a presentation of a financial report at the general meeting at the end of each business year that includes a balance sheet, statement of revenues and expenses, and business plan.
Article 18: emergency meeting
An emergency meeting must be convened to decide dissolution of the Association.
  1. Items not explicitly mentioned in these Articles of Association are to be determined by customary practices.
  2. The board of directors have the authority to make supplemental rules related to welfare and health of the Association members and assign officers to carry out the work and tasks involved.
  3. These Articles of Association are to take effect on the date on which they were approved and ratified by the general assembly.
  4. Based on Article 3, a golf club affiliated with the Association is to be designated and operated by the Association. Detailed rules concerning the golf club is to be determined separately.
  5. When these Articles of Association are revised, the date and content of the revision need to be written at the end of supplemental provision, so that the basis of the revisions and the details of the changes are recorded.
Enactment and History of Articles of Association
11.14.2007: First draft drawn up (by Han-Jong Choi, Joint Chairperson)
11.27.2007: Reviewed and approved by Air & Ocean Joint Committee
11.29.2007: Temporary board of directors formed to establish the association; Reviewed and approved by the board
12.02.2007: Reviewed and approved by Air & Ocean Joint General Assembly